VF39 results
After a superb round of entries, the results of VF39 are now online. Congratulations to our winner - bravo! The top three scores are very tightly matched, with some even tighter scores in the middle section. Check it out - less than three points between 7th and 11th positions, and barely anything between 5th and 6th. Top to bottom, I can look at each VF39 entry and find something to say "that was good stuff!", and that's what makes our competition fun.
Thanks to everyone who entered and once again, to all of the supporters of VF in the kitng community. Your participation, help, and sponsorship is much appreciated. The VF39 prize draw will follow soon; stay tuned to the Facebook group.
VF40 scores due
8.5.2024 12:00
VF40 scoring closed!